Northern Minnesota - Agenda
February 23, 2021 (12-1 p.m.)
Zoom: | Meeting ID: 820 8410 3637 | Join by phone: +13126266799,,82084103637# US (Chicago)
Welcome and introductions (12-12:15)
Zoom housekeeping
Participation Guidelines: How we share this space together
Introduction to the Pediatric Care Coordination: Community of Practice
Understanding who’s in the “room”
Get to know each other (12:15-12:25)
Break into small groups
Name, place of work, pronouns
What do you hope to experience or take away from today’s meeting?
What do you want to gain from connecting with other professionals in your geographic area?
Local inspiration (12:25-12:35)
Lynn Haglin, Vice President/KIDS PLUS Director at Northland Foundation (she/her)
Reflection and discussion (12:35-12:50)
Break into small groups
What does your organization do well when it comes to managing care for kids and youth with special needs?
What challenges does your organization face?
How might local collaboration help your organization overcome these challenges?
Closing and next steps (12:50-1:00)
Return to large group to report back on reflection and discussion
Let us know what you think!
Stay connected through
Join us for the statewide meeting in June