Forum Guidelines

The establishment of a forum guideline will help the facilitators of the forum moderate posted comments and intervene with inappropriate comments, if necessary. Please note that this guideline is meant to aid in creating a positive, safe space for people to share their ideas, solutions, and resources with each other and build a sense of community.



1.      Respect the comments of others.

2.     Keep the conversation going. Respond to other comments. Look for connecting points.

3.     This is a positive, safe, and inclusive environment. Do not use profanity, threatening, or abusive comments.

4.     Envision how this Community of Practice could improve systems by posting thought-provoking questions and comments.

5.     Be honest and authentic. The most effective forums have an authenticity and integrity to them.

6.     Be open to new ideas and perspectives.

7.     Facilitate meaningful discussions that go deeper into a topic.

8.     If you disagree with a comment, share an alternative perspective instead of attacking.

9.     This is your community. Be active by posting questions and comments.


It is important to note that members of the forum have other guidelines set forth by their workplace and/or profession prohibiting sharing of confidential information and business documents, including Protected Health Information. Relevant Statutes and Regulations include the Minnesota Health Records Act, Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 42 CFR Part 2, Government Data Practices Act (GDPA), and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Please do not post materials protected by copyright without the permission of the copyright owner. By posting material, the member represents that they own the copyright with respect to such material or have received permission from the copyright owner.