Pediatric Care Coordination:

Community of Practice


Hello to all of our members of the Pediatric Care Coordination: Community of Practice! We hope this message finds you well as the summer season is well underway. 

We are grateful to have connected in person with some of you during our recent statewide Regional Meetings. It was wonderful to see you out in the community and we hope the meetings provided an opportunity for you to share experiences, network, and collaborate. Please see the below photo collage highlighting the six regional meetings across the state of Minnesota. 

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the feedback form from the Regional Meetings. We received wonderful and positive feedback and it will help to shape future events of the Community of Practice. A few highlights from attendees include: “Finding all the resources from all the wonderful people that I met” and “Appreciated the mix of networking and presentation.  And the Humor!!!”

Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see you for the next webinar coming September 2023!

All our best,

Wendy Berghorst and the ACET team

Minnesota Department of Health
Skills for Psychological Recovery Training

Where: virtual
When: self-paced on Talent LMS
Cost: free

At times, we all experience stress and trouble with life’s challenges. The Minnesota Department of Health is offering a training opportunity to assist you. Skills for Psychological Recovery Training is an evidenced based opportunity to bring practical tools and skills back to your community.

Camden Coalition
You’re not just a number: Putting care back into healthcare

Where: virtual
When: Tuesday, June 29th, 2:00 p.m. to 3 p.m. EST
Cost: free

Join Connie Montgomery and Risa Tolbert, co-authors of You’re not just a number: Putting care back into healthcare as they share practical ideas and techniques to create and strengthen patient-provider partnerships. As Black women with histories in the healthcare profession, Montgomery and Tolbert have lived experiences as patients, caregivers, and healthcare practitioners, and bring this triple-layered vantage point to health services. Connie Montgomery is also an alum of the Camden Coalition’s National Consumer Scholar program.

Attendees will listen in on role playing exercises that show different ways that providers gather patients’ medical and social history. Presenters will explain how each scenario could have been different, and will demonstrate the distinction between better and best practices. This webinar emphasizes the importance of giving patients/consumers the opportunity to drive the care process while providers use their skill set to support and facilitate that care.

Children’s Association for Children’s Mental Health
Introduction to Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health

Where: Virtual
When: Friday, June 30th, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. CST
Cost: $45

When infants are born into this world, they come with a brain that is ready to learn through relationships. For those of us that choose to work with these infants and young children, we must understand the importance of holding a specialized set of skills to support their development through the context of relationships with their families. During this workshop, the presenters will dive into the definition of Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH), begin to understand how IECMH principles inform our work, and better understand the importance of reflection in our work.

Learning Objectives:

+ Learn the definition of infant/early childhood mental health
+ Name at least 3 guiding principles of infant/early childhood mental health
+ Understand the necessity of reflection in infant/early childhood work

Children’s Association for Children’s Mental Health
Introduction to Comprehensive School Mental Health Systems (CSMHS)

Where: Virtual
When: Tuesday, July 25th, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. CST
Cost: $30

In this interactive presentation, participants will learn about the Comprehensive School Mental Health Systems (CSMHS) framework as a way to support student mental health. They will learn about the current efforts of the Minnesota Department of Education in this area, examples of local implementation, and tools to support this work. Finally, participants will reflect on how their school or district can advance systemic support of student mental wellbeing.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define comprehensive school mental health systems (CSMHS) and its six core features

  • Recognize how the SHAPE (School Health Assessment and Performance Evaluation) System can help schools & districts improve their CSMHS

  • Describe three reasons why CSMHS are important

Postpartum Support International and 2020 Mom
Perinatal Mental Health 101

Where: Virtual
When: Thursday, September 7th
Cost: Free

Learn about the range of maternal mental health disorders, the prevalence, signs and symptoms and recommended treatment options in this complimentary webinar.


If this newsletter has been forwarded to you and you’re not already a member of this community, please consider signing up for the Pediatric Care Coordination: Community of Practice by clicking the button below (you will also be added to the newsletter list).


“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

- Helen Keller

The Pediatric Care Coordination: Community of Practice is a program coordinated by ACET Inc. under a grant funded by the Minnesota Department of Health. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the Minnesota Department of Health’s position or policy.

Feel free to share this newsletter with anyone who can benefit from the content provided within.

For more information, please contact

ACET, Inc., Minneapolis, MN