Caring for ourselves and others: Using the principles of disability justice as a framework for creating sustainable and collaborative connections

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1:10 - 2:00 pm Session

Disability Justice (DJ) is a framework that can be used to transform the work we do to advance systems change and in our everyday lives. Join me in this workshop to learn about the principles of DJ. We’ll talk about how ableism can fuel negative beliefs and create unattainable expectations of others and yourself. We’ll also explore how to use Care Webs created by Mia Mingus to map out support systems.

Brittanie Wilson, Communications Officer, Minnesota Council on Disability (she/her)
Bio: Brittanie Wilson is a Disability Justice leader and advocate. Brittanie was born with Arthrogryposis and uses an electric wheelchair to navigate the world. Brittanie is the communications officer for the Minnesota Council on Disability. Recently, she took part in a self-advocacy course for people with disabilities called Partners in Policymaking, which propelled her passion for advancing the rights of people with disabilities. Brittanie has been appointed to the Task Force for Eliminating Subminimum Wage and serves on the Governor's Council for Developmental Disabilities, Arc MN board, the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (MNCCD). As a homecare recipient, Brittanie is a part of a leadership group for SEIU Homecare MN, where she advocates for better wages for PCA’s.

Objectives for the session:

  • Understand the principles of Disability Justice.

  • Understand Ableism and how it affects your life.

  • Know what Care Webs are and how you can use them to create support.