Caring for yourself: Simple ways to incorporate movement into everyday work life

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1:10 - 2:00 pm Session

You've all heard the phrase you can't give from an empty cup, but how can you make caring for yourself simple and time efficient? Simple ways to incorporate movement into your work life, stress management techniques and non-complicated ways of staying on top of your health. This session is designed to provide basic bodyweight movements, discuss sleep, stress and hydration, while being an open discussion for sharing other ideas of what works for you.

This session will be interactive through demonstration of exercises, utilizing the chat function to create an open discussion, and allow for questions.

Robyn Ringberg, Coach, Personal Trainer and almost Doctor of Physical Therapy (May 21st, 2022), Always Moving Forward (they/them)
Bio: "I have been helping people move more and create sustainable changes in daily life to achieve a higher level of wellbeing and mobility for over a decade. As a coach I challenge people to continually move forward while also giving themselves grace. Throughout my experiences as a personal trainer it has driven me to seek out certifications and continued learning to be the best that I can be to help those around me to the best of my ability. I will officially be Dr. Robyn on May 21st."

Objectives for the session:

  • Learn simple movement strategies to incorporate during the work day either at home or in clinics

  • Learn basic bodyweight movements that can combat a sedentary career

  • Discuss stress management techniques to minimize the daily effects of working in healthcare

  • Discuss overall health strategies for feeling prepared going into each day ready to handle whatever is thrown at you